Wednesday, May 27, 2015

My Recent 'Aha' Moment

Just as I sometimes doubt other projects, I've questioned why I've started this blog about my love for reading and writing. The vision hasn't been completely clear as I've worked through these first months of posts. Then I had an 'aha' moment which clarified the reason I've been marching forward. In the prologue of her memoir, Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake, accomplished writer, Anna Quindlen, writes:

"That's what's so wonderful about reading, that books and poetry and essays make us feel as though we're connected, as though the thoughts and feelings we believe are singular and sometimes nutty are shared by others, that we are all more alike than different. It's the wonderful thing about writing, too. Sometimes I would think I was the only person alive concerned about some crazy cul-de-sac of human behavior. Then I would get letters from readers and realize that was not the case, that we were not alone, any of us."

Connection. Reading and writing connects us to ourselves, each other and our surroundings. By nurturing these pastimes even in the face of the more convenient activities constantly starting us in the face, we can more actively think about our dreams, our history or struggles.

It's easier than we sometimes think to bring reading and writing into the fold when we've got work, soccer practice, dishes, and the millions of other things that pull at our time. I hope to share those ideas and more right here.

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